UI/UX Designing
I am the type of guy who likes to keep things organized and simple. The same goes for building a website. Writing code short and simple would make developers easier to understand, creating the mobile-first UI which looks simple and user-friendly is what catches the user's attention.
One of my favorite design approaches is Material Design by Google which is used all across Google apps. Since the release of Android Lollipop 5.0, Material Design has become more popular and even got a successor in Android 9. In 2019, this design is used across many Android Apps and websites.

Being a fan of Material Design, I have always wanted to adopt this into my websites. So I started searching around and found Material Design Lite by Google which is a not-so-complicated UI framework that is easier to use and customizable. The reason I chose to use Material Design Lite is that I want my site to look simple and subtle. Since then, I used Material Design Lite in almost all of the websites that I made.

But there is one thing missing that is, I have never created a UI from scratch. So I challenged myself and started building a Material Design drawer without using any frameworks. Ultimately, below is the result. You can also view this pen live here.

You can see how this design influences the website. From buttons to drawers, everything is paper in Material Design. When it comes to dark mode, it's easier to implement one in Material Design since everything is paper-focused. I am not professional in designing or developing a website but practice makes it perfect. So I mostly spend my time learning UX/UI design. Hopefully, I can make it better.
I usually take a break by playing games. My favorite games are Pro Evolution Soccer and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. I have been playing Pro Evolution Soccer since 2013 and Counter-Strike since 1.6 version. Pro Evolution Soccer is far better than FIFA in terms of gameplay and ball physics and I don't mean FIFA is bad. I like both, to be honest. Different types of players will have different tastes. PES doesn't always get a good reputation due to how the online and match-making system works. In PES, I play with Legend difficulty which is the hardest AI in the game. I don't always win because AI can be a bit challenging in Legend mode. If I don't win, I turn down the difficulty and play it again till I win the match.
I used to play Counter-Strike 1.6 with my friends when I was in my home country. My very first time playing Counter-Strike was in 2002. Still, I am at the lowest score in every death-match game of CSGO. 😐